Laval, France
 1933 – André Besnier leaves his job as a butter-churner to start a small cheesemaking company in Laval, France. On that first day, October 19, 1933, he crafts 17 Le Petit lavallois Camembert cheeses from 34 liters of milk.


1947– Besnier moves the business to more modern facilities on Rue du Moulin in Laval where he began making Camembert and butter. By 1950s, his company has over thirty employees and collects over 10,000 liters of milk per day.


 1955 – André Besnier’s son, Michel, steps in to lead the family business, continuing the cheesemaking tradition. He begins using pasteurized milk, an innovative feat in the scope of cheesemaking.


Old Logo
 1968 -
Besnier declares “La France est le pays de Présidents, tout le monde est président!” and Président is officially established as a specialty cheese for all to enjoy.


1975 – Président introduces its iconic Brie, which becomes the number one Brie in France. Today, it’s recognized and enjoyed worldwide.


Normandy Cows
 2000 – Emannuel Besnier becames the CEO of Groupe Lactalis, Président’s parent company, and continues the legacy of Besnier family by using the finest ingredients in the French tradition.


Today – Président celebrates over 80 years of expertise and continues to provide specialty cheeses, butters and exceptional culinary experiences world-wide.